
Pilot test of the Inclujobs Platform at Spain

🌟 Great news from Spain! 🌟 We are excited to announce that our partner AIJU has been testing the Inclujobs platform with a group of individuals with intellectual disabilities, along with the professionals who support them. During these trials, we explored both the tools that facilitate job connections with companies and the fun mini-games from the Toolkit designed to assist in job searching. We’re thrilled to share that the experience has been very positive: participants loved the platform and found the content useful and accessible. πŸ™ŒπŸ’Ό We are working hard to make Inclujobs available to everyone very soon. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to move towards real workplace inclusion! πŸ’ͺπŸ’™ #Inclujobs #WorkplaceInclusion #IntellectualDisability #AIJU

Handbook for inclusive JOb Employers Awareness

Manual for Special Educators