
Discover of professional skills through play, with specially designed cards from the Erasmus+ program “Inclujobs”

As part of the Inclujobs program through Erasmus+, in which our organization participates, we held a meeting on Friday, July 26th, for individuals with mental disabilities and our organization’s trainers. The meeting featured an explanation and a trial run of a new tool developed through the program: a card game that illustrates and describes various professions and their associated skills. The meeting was attended by 12 individuals with mental disabilities, 2 trainers, and 3 parents of the attendees. After explaining the rules of the game, participants began selecting cards and identifying the skills that matched their chosen professions. Some confusion arose because many professions require overlapping skills, which necessitates different explanations for individuals with autism or intellectual disabilities. We faced challenges in explaining the images and skills depicted on some of the cards to certain trainees. However, over the course of the 2-hour meeting, we observed significant improvement in their level of understanding. Our conclusion is that we have developed a very comprehensive and detailed card game that can help individuals with intellectual disabilities choose a profession that best suits them. This is achievable when they understand the skills required and maintained in a work environment. To achieve the best results, further training for both individuals with disabilities and the trainers is necessary. This will help trainers better manage the cards and explain the rules of the game effectively. Finally, we are awaiting results from the other countries where this procedure was conducted. This will help us identify any shortcomings and make necessary improvements regarding the professions and skills presented in the game.

Handbook for inclusive JOb Employers Awareness

Manual for Special Educators