News & Updates

Empowering Inclusion: How Cognitive Support Technology (CST) Is Transforming Employment for People with Intellectual Disabilities

The European Social Services Conference (ESSC) recently highlighted a significant breakthrough in supporting employment for individuals with intellectual disabilities across Europe. The focus was on Cognitive Support Technology (CST), a digital solution designed to simplify


Empowering Change: Grace Jean Lawther’s Journey in Disability Advocacy at Europe in Action 2024

Grace Jean Lawther, an 18-year-old from the Scottish Disability Sport’s Young Persons Sport Panel, attended the Europe in Action 2024 Conference. The event, held in Glasgow, featured workshops on disability inclusion and advocacy, which inspired


Discover of professional skills through play, with specially designed cards from the Erasmus+ program “Inclujobs”

As part of the Inclujobs program through Erasmus+, in which our organization participates, we held a meeting on Friday, July 26th, for individuals with mental disabilities and our organization’s trainers. The meeting featured an explanation


The INCLUJOBS Project Results!

📢 Don’t miss the Inclujobs Project Results! Have you checked out our latest project results? The INCLUJOBS Manual for Special Educators and the Handbook for Inclusive Job Employers Awareness are available and free to download!


Sneak Peek: INCLUJOBS Project Meeting!

We are excited to give you a sneak peek into our recent INCLUJOBS project meeting, where all partners gathered to discuss the next steps in promoting the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in the


Workshop testing the INCLUJOBS Toolkit with people with intellectual disabilities

Today, our Spanish partner, AIJU, has organised a workshop together with APADIS (the Association for the care of people with intellectual disabilities in Villena and its region), of Alicante. Beneficiaries and their supporters have tested


The third transnational project meeting of INCLUJOBS in Catania

The third transnational project meeting of INCLUJOBS project took place last 20th and 21st of May in Catania, Sicily, where VITECO hosted the partnership. During this meeting the representatives of the project have been working


WORKING TOGETHER Matters of work inclusion for people with Intellectual disabilities

Building an inclusive workforce has a measurable impact not only on business but on society too. Diversity and inclusion efforts often start with diverse recruiting, to build stronger teams, but once those teams are created


More info about Inclujobs Toolkit

The publication date of the Toolkit for the promotion of employment of people with intellectual disabilities of the INCLUJOBS project is getting closer. That is why we want to give you more details about the


Teaching individuals with intellectual disabilities demands an individualised and flexible approach.

Teaching individuals with intellectual disabilities demands an individualised and flexible approach that acknowledges and celebrates their uniqueness. 🌟 By incorporating teaching approaches such as person-centered planning, ABA, social stories into the teaching process, educators can


We are working in the INCLUJOBS Toolkit!

As you know, from the INCLUJOBS project we are working to develop materials that help to make things easier for people with intellectual disabilities to find a job. For this purpose, we have already developed


Identifying Job Skills & Interests for Individuals with Mental Disabilities

Hey amazing community! 💙 Let’s talk about empowering individuals with mental disabilities to thrive in the workforce by identifying their unique skills and interests! 🚀✨ Do you know how to identify job skills and interests?


Importance of having a job for people with intellectual disabilities

Do you know why it is important for people with intellectual disabilities to have a job? The Vice President of Inclusion Europe explains in the following video the reasons. Take a look! Inclujobs consortium is


Inclusion in Europe? – Inclusion Indicators 2023

How were the inclusion indicators in Europe for 2023? The reality portrayed by the study conducted by Inclusion Europe, published in November 2023, shows that there is still a great amount of work to be


🌟✨ Including is Growing Together: INCLUJOBS 🌈🤝

Today we want to enthusiastically share the unforgettable moments of our focus groups dedicated to the INCLUJOBS project. 📘✨ 🤝 Focus Groups with Associations: Union of Forces and Ideas 🤝 We had the privilege of


🌐 Shaping a World of Opportunities: Embrace the Abilities! 🌟

🌈 Today, we’re shining a spotlight on the incredible strengths and talents of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Let’s foster a world that sees beyond limitations and focuses on the boundless potential within each person. 👩‍💼


🌟 Embracing Diversity: Let’s Talk Inclusivity! 🌈

🤝 We believe in the power of inclusivity and the incredible contributions of individuals with intellectual disabilities. 💙 This isn’t just about employment; it’s about recognizing the unique abilities that make each person exceptional. 👩‍🏫


Results of the project

Today we come to you with great news! We are happy to announce to you that our first results are available at the INCLUJOBS Website. If you are a support organization or an employer, read


NCLUJOBS ERASMUS+ KA220-ADU Project: Empowering Inclusion and Employment for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

Preparing individuals with intellectual disabilities in the labor market through – the INCLUJOBS ERASMUS+ KA220 – ADU project The 27th and the 28th of September 2023, in the city of Rethymno on the island of


What do you know about work inclusion and social entrepreneurship?

The social economy, based on equality and inclusion, world widely does not receive equal treatment in the competitive business world. There have been no efforts to connect and develop partnerships between inclusion cooperatives and businesses


How is the employment inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities promoted?

An ILO study argues that intervention approaches to promote the participation of people with disabilities in the labour market are varied. On the one hand, some states prefer to adopt qualifying and pro-active measures, mainly


What do you know about intellectual disability?

What do you know about intellectual disability? According to the American Psychiatric Association, 1% of the population have intellectual disability. Around 85% of these people have mild cases. Few informations to understand more: Intellectual functioning,


Inclujobs Program Kickoff in Vienna

The participating agencies in the Inclujobs program met in Vienna on March 14 and 15 to start the project actions. The INCLUJOBS project, co-financed by the European Commission through the Program aims to promote the


Εναρκτήρια Συνάντηση Συμμετεχόντων στο Πρόγραμμα INCLUJOBS στη Βιέννη

Οι συμμετέχοντες φορείς στο πρόγραμμα Inclujobs συναντήθηκαν στη Βιέννη στις 14 και 15 Μαρτίου για να ξεκινήσουν τις δράσεις έργου. Το έργο INCLUJOBS, που συγχρηματοδοτείται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή μέσω του Προγράμματος στοχεύει στην προώθηση της εργασιακής ένταξης ατόμων με νοητική αναπηρία στους τομείς του τουρισμού, των ΤΠΕ και της βιομηχανίας. Για το σκοπό αυτό, […]


#INCLUJOB is a heart-project by AIS. We are working on improving a digital platform in order to INCLUDE individuals with intellectual disabilities into the labour market. Special thanks to for creating this post!


Think blue

THINK BLUE and fight for autism April is Autism Awareness Month internationally. April reminds us of how to understand and accept people with autism. April is the best month to fight for a world where


Target Groups

The main target groups of the project “Holistic Learning for Job Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities” are: 1) people with intellectual disabilities. 2) the special educators. 3) the productive sector.


Incentive for funding

The motivation of this project is to bring a change and pave the way for the right to work for the disabled. Progress towards inclusive employment faces many obstacles, such as: – Negative attitudes of


Trust in education

Puzzle is a social enterprise founded by experienced professionals from the fields of education, mental health, disability and social integration. The members of Puzzle have been involved and have gained long and valuable experience and


Trust in autism

The Association of Parents, Guardians and Friends of people with autism disorders Rethymno is a non-profit organization founded in 2007. The Association’s active membership is composed of 80 children and adults diagnosed with autism spectrum


Trust in research

AIJU was inaugurated in 1985 and currently has nearly 500 associated companies and a team of more than 80 experts. AIJU has agreements with chambers of commerce and helps entrepreneurs and companies to design their


Trust in life

Austrian Association of Inclusive Society (AIS) is a non-governmental research organization established at Vienna, Austria. AIS works on adaptation and inclusion of disadvantaged and disabled people to social, educational, technological, and physical environment through improvement


Trust in technology

VITECO is an Italian SME located in Sicily. Its staff is formed by professionals with engineering and business administration backgrounds. It is a software and elearning provider working both with national customers and European partners


Meet the partners

“Holistic Learning for the Employment Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities” is a project submitted by the “Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education” (SEPIE). The project belongs to the field of adult education and


Handbook for inclusive JOb Employers Awareness

Manual for Special Educators